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4 Symptoms Other Than Tooth Pain You’ll Want Your Emergency Dentist to Monitor

December 28, 2021

woman with tooth pain covering her mouth

When you feel that sharp pain in your mouth, you know something is wrong. Whether they start suddenly or get worse over time, toothaches can be excruciating and need to be treated as soon as possible to relieve your discomfort and get your smile back to full health. Tooth pain often trumps any other symptom, but did you know that there are some other signs of trouble that your emergency dentist should keep a close eye on as well?

Tooth pain on its own is enough to warrant a visit with the dentist. However, if you also notice any of the following symptoms along with your toothache, it becomes even more important to have them monitor the situation.


Often, a full-fledged toothache starts out as tooth sensitivity to hot or cold. This doesn’t necessarily mean that every little discomfort points to a dental emergency, but it is something you should bring to your dentist’s attention so that they can watch the situation. As a result, they may be able to stop the problem before you experience tooth pain in the first place!

Bleeding Gums

In the early stages, gum disease can be easy to overlook. However, bleeding gums are the first sign of something amiss with your mouth. Bad breath on a regular basis is another symptom that is often brushed off as annoying, but it too is a sign of trouble ahead. By bringing up bleeding gums during your routine appointment, you put your dentist on high alert for gum issues, which can impact other areas of your body, like your heart, brain, kidney, and more.

Loose Adult Teeth

As gum disease progresses, it degrades the supportive bone tissues that hold teeth in place. As a result, permanent teeth can become loose and unstable. If you have this feeling, it’s definitely time to meet with your dentist in an emergency appointment. Without intervention, your teeth could come out completely on their own. Depending on the extent of the infection, your teeth may need to be extracted, but your dentist can talk to you about your replacement options as well as treat the disease so it stops harming your smile and your health.

Tooth Discoloration

Everyone experiences a little bit of tooth yellowing in their lifetime. Food and drink pigmentation can be absorbed in the enamel and create stains, which typically aren’t a major concern. However, if one tooth becomes darker, like a dark gray or brown, than the rest, it likely means it is infected or has died. Without treatment, other teeth can be affected, and the tooth could emit pus. Needless to say, you should make sure your dentist knows about your concerns and is monitoring your tooth discoloration to prevent the problem from getting to that point.

Just as you wouldn’t keep tooth pain a secret, don’t try to ignore other symptoms that could be pointing to a serious, urgent problem. Let your dentist know about what you notice so that together you can keep your smile strong and healthy for the long haul with fewer dental emergencies.

About the Practice

Sedalia Dental has the great privilege of having four talented dentists on staff. With unique backgrounds in the field, they each bring the same compassion to every appointment. Whether you’re in pain or notice other concerning symptoms, our dentists take the time to listen to your concerns, understand, your needs, and talk about treatment options that can help you get back to oral health. If you have a dental emergency, you can schedule an appointment at Sedalia Dental online or by calling the office at 614-836-2222.