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Are Root Canals as Painful as The Rumors Say?

August 10, 2020

Worried woman covers her mouth before root canal in Groveport

Are you dreading your upcoming root canal? Although this common procedure has a notoriously bad reputation, they’re nothing to be afraid of. In fact, thanks to advancements in dental technology, numbing medication, and pain relievers, this tooth-saving treatment is more comfortable and efficient than ever. In fact, most patients are happy to find that saving a tooth with a root canal is no more uncomfortable than getting a large filling. If you’ve been asking yourself are root canals painful in Groveport, here’s everything you need to know to put your fears at ease!

Root Canals Alleviate Pain, Not Cause Them

Root canals are needed when the sensitive inner layers of a tooth become damaged or decayed. Not only does this usually cause intense discomfort, but it can pose a threat to the rest of your smile as well. A root canal treatment removes the decayed tissues to quickly get you out of pain and completely eliminate the infection. Once the tooth has been cleaned, it’s filled with a rubbery substance and capped with a dental crown to restore its natural look and function. With both the damaged tissue and harmful bacteria removed, you’ll likely be in far less pain after your root canal than you were before your treatment.

Numbing Medication for a Nearly Painless Process

The very first step during your root canal in Groveport is to completely numb the problematic tooth and the surrounding gums. Your dentist will carefully apply a specific amount of local anesthetic to key areas of your mouth to mute sensation in the treatment area. Similar to getting a regular filling, you may feel some slight pressure during the procedure, but nothing more. The powerful numbing medication will remain effective all throughout your treatment to ensure the process is as comfortable as possible.

Simple Tips to Manage Post-Operation Soreness

Once the local anesthetic wears off, it’s common to experience some discomfort. You may experience some soreness and sensitivity for a few days after your root canal. Thankfully, your symptoms should be manageable and ease within a relatively short amount of time. Your dentist will give you more thorough post-op instructions to mitigate aching and prevent infection before you leave their office after your appointment. Some general tips to keep in mind are:

  • Take prescribed pain medication or recommended over-the-counter pain relievers as instructed by your dentist.
  • Apply an ice pack or cold compress for 10 minutes at a time to ease jaw soreness and swelling in the gums.
  • Refrain from eating until the numbness in your mouth has completely worn off to prevent accidentally biting your cheek or tongue.
  • Avoid eating hard, crunchy, or sticky foods for several days after your treatment.
  • Call your dentist if your discomfort hasn’t eased or seems to be getting worse.

Root canals offer an efficient and comfortable way to treat serious dental issues and save a tooth from extraction. Once your treatment is complete, you’ll be well on your way to regaining your happy, healthy, and pain-free smile!

About the Practice

The friendly dental team of Sedalia Dental strives to provide a welcoming and relaxing environment. From simple cleanings to root canals, they work hard to make each visit as pleasant as possible with personalized treatments and genuine care. With a variety of patient amenities and state-of-the-art technology, they go above and beyond to safeguard the health and comfort of every patient. If you have more questions about root canals, feel free to reach out via their website or at (614) 836-2222.