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True or False: You Can Still Get Cavities With Porcelain Veneers

August 29, 2021

Over the last decade or so, veneers have skyrocketed in popularity – it’s not hard to see why either! These thin shells of porcelain can conceal a variety of imperfections, from minor misalignment to permanent discoloration, in as little as two appointments. Plus, they are stain-resistant, preserving your bright smile for years to come. But can you still get cavities with veneers? Keep reading for the answer!

So, Can You Still Get Cavities with Veneers?

In short, the answer is yes. Although the veneers themselves can’t develop cavities, your underlying teeth certainly can. After all, the thin shells of porcelain only cover the front-facing surfaces of your teeth, leaving the rest of the surface vulnerable to decay. That’s why it’s of the utmost importance to practice proper prevention!

5 Tips for Maintaining Your Veneers & Oral Health

If you develop a cavity underneath a veneer, it will need to be replaced, which requires more of your time and money. The good news is that cavities are largely preventable with the right best practices in place, including:

  • Visiting your dentist regularly – Your six-month dental checkups allow your dentist to routinely monitor your teeth and gums. If a dental issue does arise, they can intervene in the early stages, saving you time and money.
  • Using the right products – Certain products, like toothpaste that includes abrasive ingredients, can dull the glossy surface of your veneers. So, stick to the ones your dentist recommends.
  • Following a solid at-home oral hygiene routine – Without fail, you should be brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and rinsing with mouthwash regularly.
  • Exercising caution with hard or sticky foods – Veneers are crafted from high-quality materials, but they are by no means indestructible. To avoid chips and cracks, exercise caution when eating crunchy bread, taffy, peanut brittle, and other hard and sticky foods.
  • Quit unhealthy dental habits – Smoking, using your teeth as tools, and chewing on ice are just a few unhealthy dental habits that pose a risk to your oral health and veneers.

With veneers, you can enjoy a picture-perfect smile for 20+ years – if you practice proper prevention. With this in mind, make sure to follow the above best practices!

About the Practice

Sedalia Dental isn’t like most other dental offices. Our state-of-the-art dental practice is home to a team of caring dentists who are dedicated to providing world-class dentistry and unmatched service. Plus, our morning, evening, and weekend appointment options ensure achieving the healthy, happy smile you deserve is convenient too! If you’d like to learn more about maintaining your veneers or want to schedule an initial consultation, don’t hesitate to visit our website or give us a call at 614-836-2222.