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Setting the Record Straight When It Comes to Dental Implant Myths

April 17, 2021

It is not uncommon for individuals with missing teeth to research additional information about prosthetics that are designed to restore smiles. If you are suffering from tooth loss and are leaning more toward the idea of dental implants, there is a plethora of material available, especially on the internet. But when it comes to deciphering truth from lies, it often takes a trusted dental expert to debunk many of the dental implant myths out there. From the notion that these prosthetics hurt when put into place to their cost being too far out of reach, a team of experts is here to set the record straight to ensure you know the truth about these superior tooth replacements.

1.      Dental Implants Are Only for People with Lots of Money

Are dental implants expensive? Yes. Will it require you to spend more upfront than dentures or fixed bridges? Yes. But when looking at the long-term benefits of these prosthetics, you will discover they are more cost-effective. Why? Because you’ll avoid spending additional dollars on frequent adjustments and replacements, dental adhesives to hold them in place, and specialized cleaners to maintain your smile. By taking proper care of your dental implants, they can remain firmly in place for a lifetime, which ultimately leaves more money in your pocket.

2.      The Surgical Placement of Your Implants Will Cause Much Pain

To receive your dental implants, you must be healthy enough to undergo minor oral surgery. Incisions are made in your gums and a small hole is created in the jawbone where the implant post is placed. To ensure you feel no pain whatsoever, you will receive local anesthesia to numb the areas of your mouth where the surgical placement will be completed. After your procedure, you will likely experience some soreness and minor discomfort once the anesthesia wears off, but this can be minimized with the help of an over-the-counter pain reliever.

3.      You’ll Need to Give Up Your Favorite Foods

Denture-wearers often struggle when it comes to eating certain foods because their prosthetics can slip or accidentally fall out as a result of uneven pressure. However, dental implants look, feel, and function just like regular teeth, allowing you to eat all your favorite foods. Because of the osseointegration that occurs during recovery that fuses your implants to your jawbone and surrounding tissues, you will experience a stronger bite force and chewing power. As a result, you can enjoy a thick steak or juicy burger. While it is recommended that you be mindful of hard, crunchy foods because of their ability to damage real and artificial teeth, the truth is that you are free to eat without the additional worry of losing your prosthetic and suffering embarrassment.

4.      Dental Implants Are Only for Old People

Of all the myths out there, this one seems to appear most often. Society has created a false mentality that only older people suffer tooth loss when the truth is that an estimated 69% of individuals ages 35-44 in the United States are missing at least one tooth. Because the jawbone is fully developed by the time you reach your 20s, it is possible to consider dental implants as a viable option should you suffer tooth loss.

Misinformation surrounding dental implants can cause many people to settle for a tooth replacement solution that is less than ideal. Now that you understand the truth about these permanent prosthetics, you can feel more confident talking to your dentist about moving forward with treatment.

About the Practice
Sedalia Dental is led by four expert dentists who are committed to caring for patients living in Groveport and its surrounding communities. Combining their knowledge, skills, and talents, they are able to offer comprehensive services to treat smiles of all types. For individuals experiencing tooth loss, the team at Sedalia Dental offers dental implants as a way to permanently restore smiles. Partnering with the best oral surgeons and periodontists in the area, patients can expect honest information, a personalized approach, and exceptional results. If you would like to learn more about dental implants and what you can expect, contact us at (614) 836-2222.