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How Does Social Distancing Work in Dentistry?

October 12, 2020

Clear plastic barrier

You have been taking all sorts of steps in order to protect yourself and others from COVID-19. Whether you’re working from home, avoiding social gatherings, washing your hands more frequently, or wearing a face covering, you are doing your part in order to keep your community safe. But what about your dentist? How does social distancing in Groveport work in the dental office? Continue reading to learn about the different safety measures being taken to make six-foot distancing a reality.

Virtual Waiting Room

Normally, you could check in at the front desk in the reception area. Now, you can check in from your car in the parking lot. All you need to do is give your friendly dental staff a call to let them know that you’ve arrived for your appointment. When they’re ready for you, they will escort you directly to your treatment room. By bypassing the entire reception area, you are limiting your exposure to others in the practice.

Sequenced Patient Scheduling

Dental appointments are being scheduled further apart throughout the day. Not only does this allow for additional cleaning between visits, but it also gives patients more time to come and go. Ultimately, there is less unnecessary contact between patients before and after their appointment.

No Handshakes or Hugs

As much as your dental team likes to use these friendly greetings with you, now is not the time. Shaking hands and hugging are easy ways to transmit illnesses to each other. Instead, try little to no-contact greetings like the elbow-bump or air high-five.

Expanded Patient Appointments

In order to save both time and patients from multiple exposures to others in the office, extended appointments are available. This means you can get more dentistry done in a single visit rather than having to come in several different times.

Fewer Chairs in Reception Area

Your dental team likes to provide you with a comfortable place to wait before you get called back to receive treatment. However, at this time it isn’t a great idea to be sitting close to other people. That’s why there are now fewer chairs in the reception area so everyone will be able to stay at least six feet apart at all times.

Hard Plastic Barriers

Clear barriers have been installed strategically throughout the practice. This helps to block the movement of airborne particles. Having these protective plastic guards on top of staying at least six feet apart lessens your chances of contracting or transmitting illnesses even further.

During this time, it is anxiety-inducing for many. Fortunately, you don’t need to worry when visiting your dentist in Groveport. With so many new safety protocols, you can get the essential care you need with peace-of-mind.

About the Author

Dr. Katie Carroll earned her Doctor of Dental Medicine at Case Western Reserve University and is a member of both the American Dental Association and the Ohio Dental Association. Her team has implemented numerous safety protocols in order to keep patients and the staff safe from COVID-19. For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit her website or call (614) 836-2222.